Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Boy's Birthday...Part 2

Creme Brulee, that is what we eat for birthdays now. Cakes don't turn out the way i want...stupid cakes. 

Check it! The first Creme Burlee i ever made came out wonderfully! My Boy's Birthday...Part 1 has the recipe i used for these sweet creamy treats, but i finished them the day after i made them, here are the results! 

I won't lying is bad...i am crazy happy! BOOM! *high five* 

As i didn't have a blow torch handy...but that will change soon my friends, ooooh yes! I had to use the oven. No totally worked out! You just have to keep an eye on it as the sugar melts super DUPER quick! One of the Creme Brulees burnt...luckily i made like 6 so i wasn't worried. 

Sprinkle the sugar on top of the Creme Brulees 30 minutes after you take them out of the fridge, i used 1 Tsp of granulated sugar and popped them in to the oven. Set on to broil...Watch them! Don't let them burn! 

I ate the tester...i had to see if it tasted good for the birthday boy! I am just nice like that! 
A creamy, vanilla taste with a crunchy sweet top...i love it! 

The Birthday Cake on the other hand...was dry. Dry, dry, DRY! Ergh. Disappointing. 
This was my first big cake, and i messed up. We learn from our mistakes though, am i right? 
Next time i will add some yogurt, or apple sauce? Something to moisten it up a little! Or maybe i just baked it for too long? Who knows! We shall learn though. Learn! 

Goodness...i messed up on the writing too...i was having an off day. Sorry about that.
This cake is a Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese frosting. I used the red velvet recipe that i used for the Halloween Cupcakes (Halloween is coming...we are so ready! post) I also used the same cream cheese frosting recipe on that post. The cupcakes i had made turned out super i reckon i just over baked the big cake. 

I made 2 cakes instead of halving one cake...i felt it would be easier for a newbie like myself!

I cut the top half off one of the cooled down cakes, brushed away the crumbs and iced with the frosting. Then added the second cake on top, then covered with the rest of the frosting and sprinkled with some gold and sliver sugar...then ruined it with writing! I tend to do that...i never know when to stop! 

Apart from lame cake...My fella's birthday went down smooth :)
We had a wonderful time with wonderful friends. Lots of love was felt over here! 

Apologies for the negativity...something to cheer you up? 

This is what myself and Chrissy do when we have a camera and no one looking...Ruffles has stuck his tongue into Chrissy's ear...gross. 

14 days till Disney...SHUT UP! Too excited! 

Peace, Love & Kara <3 


  1. Thanks for following my blog.

    Your creme brulee looks delicious! I would love to follow your blog to hear more from you and your baking experience :D

  2. Oh Thank you! Please do, i am learning...and hopefully making yummy treats :P I love your blog! So pleased i found it today!

  3. This cake looks soooo yummy!!! Well done!

    LoveFaye xoxo

  4. You've inspired me to give creme brulee a go, for some reason I had it in my head that a dessert like that would be too difficult.
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment and following my blog, your blog is fab I'm following back xx

  5. Thanks Fayebees :) <3

    Do it Sam! It is super easy, just trying to figure out when it has set is the hard part lol Let me know how it goes!
    No problem! Thank you! xx

  6. It all looks really yummy. I've been making my first cake ever this weekend for my mom's b-day and it luckily turned out great! To ''moist it up'' I just boiled some water with added sugar, cooled the thing down and then just put it all over the cake dough with a spoon. It worked for me!

  7. Oh well done! Thanks for the tip! Did you do a blog about it? I would love to see your cake :D


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